Shockwave Therapy & MLS CLASS IV Therapeutic Laser
Shockwave Therapy
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) is a method of treatment used in physiotherapy to treat a variety of musculoskeletal conditions but primarily it is used to treat tendinopathies.
A shock wave is an intense but short energy wave travelling faster than the speed of sound, which is passed through the skin, directly over the injured site. Changes to the power and pulse-rate frequency of the shockwaves allows the therapist to control the intensity and depth of the treatment.
The shock waves stimulate biological changes in the soft tissues at a cellular level. This stimulates an inflammatory response, causing increased blood flow, neuromodulation of a painful stimulus and facilitation of the production of connective tissue growth factor and protein synthesis to generate collagen and tissue remodelling.
Shockwave is a preferred treatment for chronic conditions when conventional treatments have failed. Most protocols aim to see results within 3-5 sessions over 8-12 weeks, usually alongside a supporting exercise rehabilitation programme.
In the UK the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) specifically recommends Shockwave for a selection of conditions where strong evidence and research has shown it to be a highly effective treatment option, these include lateral epicondylitis, subacromial pain syndrome (also known as rotator cuff disease), greater trochanteric pain syndrome, Achilles’ tendinopathy, and plantar fasciitis.
Additionally, the International Society for Medical Shockwave Treatment indicated that this type of treatment is also beneficial for myofascial trigger points, tendinopathies associated with the hamstrings, adductors, elbow, foot/ankle, and medial tibial stress syndrome (also known as shin splints).
Shockwave can be amazing for:
Achilles tendinopathy
Plantar fasciitis
Golfer's elbow
Tennis elbow
Trochanteric bursitis
Calcific tendonitis
Hamstring tendinopathy
Shin splints
MLS Class 1V Laser Therapy
We are very excited to be the only clinic in the county (& surrounding ones!) to use the very effective MLS® Class IV Laser as an alternative to Shockwave. Sometimes the MLS Laser works better than Shockwave and vice-versa. It achieves instant results in the majority of cases and unlike some lasers still being used it it also safe.
Feel the difference instantly (for some conditions).
After reading the above you can understand how excited we are to have discovered a laser therapy device which is not only highly effective and very quick in achieving results, but also safe. The MLS® Class IV Therapeutic Laser achieves instant results in the majority of cases you really can feel the reduction in muscle spasm from the first session.
The patented MLS® system delivers pulsed and continuous laser emissions synchronised for the optimal therapeutic effect with wavelengths of 808nm and 905nm to ensure deep penetration. The advanced MLS® laser technology allows true pulsed emissions to achieve peak power of 25 watts, without the risk of heat damage.
What can the MLS Laser Help?
Back pain
Cervical brachialgia
Craniofacial pain
Joint pain
Plantar fasciitis
If you would like a Shockwave or MLS laser appointment, book yourself an Initial Session 45 minutes here
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